Biodiversity in County Mayo
Biodiversity or biological diversity is just another term for natural heritage, flora and fauna, wildlife and the living environment and highlights the interdependence and interconnectedness of all living things: people, plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms.
Biodiversity is all around us in Mayo. It is found in the gardens, parks, farmland, peatlands, rivers, lakes and coastlines.
Mayo protects the integrity of the natural environment and takes care for nature and wildlife, making our county a nice place to live , explore and enjoy.
Mayo has designated many sites for nature conservation. Many of these areas are considered very important and they are designated as SAC or SPA.
8 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) are the prime wildlife areas in Ireland that are also considered extremely important in a European context. Special Protection Areas (SPA) are sites important for birds in an Irish and European context. 8
There are many ways to enjoy the huge and rich natural heritage and biodiversity of the county: hill walking, cycling, going for a stroll on the beaches, fishing, horse riding and walking in the woods.
8 Nature gives us spiritual, emotional and physical benefits and this improves the quality of our life. 8
Biodiversity is a wonder to enjoy now and to protect for the future generations.
Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are:
Brackloon Woods
Broadhaven Bay
Carrowkeel Turlough
Carrowmore Lake Complex
Clyard Kettle-Holes
Cross Lough (Killadoon)
Corraun Plateau (Extension To Corraun)
Doocastle Turlough
Duvillaun Islands
Flughany Bog
Glenamoy Bog Complex
Greaghans Turlough
Kilglassan/Caheravoostia Turlough Complex
Inishkea Islands
Lacken Saltmarsh And Kilcummin Head
Lough Gall Bog
Shrule Turlough
Moore Hall (Lough Carra)
Oldhead Wood
Owenduff/Nephin Complex
Skealoghan Turlough
Slieve Fyagh Bog
Lough Hoe Bog
Clew Bay Complex
Doogort Machair/Lough Doo
Erris Head
Keel Machair/Menaun Cliffs
Lough Cahasy, Lough Baun and Roonah Lough
Mocorha Lough
Urlaur Lakes
Lough Carra / Mask Complex
Cloonakillina Lough
Bellacorick Bog Complex
Mweelrea/ Sheefry/ Erriff Complex
Bellacragher Saltmarsh
Ox Mountains Bogs
Newport River
Lough Dahybaun
Towerhill House
Clare Island Cliffs
Achill Head
River Moy
- Kildun Souterrain
Sites classified as Special Protection Areas (SPA) are:
Iniskea Islands
Killala Bay/Moy Estuary
Blacksod/ Broadhaven
Lough Corrib
Lough Carra
Carrowmore Lake
Lough Conn
Lough Cullin
Cross Lough (Mullet)
Lough Mask
Stags Of Broadhaven
Inishglora And Inishkeeragh
Termoncarragh Lake & Annagh Machair
Owenduff/Nephin Complex
Duvillaun Islands SPA
- Bills Rock SPA