Walking in Co. Mayo

Because of the large variety of its landscape, the county of Mayo offers multiple possibilities as regards excursions.
Indeed, one can pass from low-lying lake-lands in the east, to a mountainous area on the west coast.
The experienced hiker will be delighted, because each excursion will be a new discovery.
The occasional walker will not be disappointed either, because Mayo has plenty of places where hikers can walk by themselves.
We will now give a brief description of the main places visited by the amateur hikers in the county of Mayo.
Please remember to adhere to the seven principles designed to help you to protect the natural environment and the unique Mayo's habitats. Our countryside is a precious natural resource, VISIT WITH CARE!
Here are some of the most interesting and challenging Mayo trails.
There are guides indexing all the marked out paths and these can be obtained from your nearest tourist information centre or read more information about your destination on our website under the section Town & Villages.