Geesala in Co. Mayo

The village of Geesala (Gaoth-Sáile) or Gweesalia, which means 'Salty Sea Inlet', as it is shown on some maps, is a small village siutated in the Barony of Erris North Mayo, with a hotel, two pubs, post office and two shops. It is the church area for seven villages surrounding the village itself, all with their own personal identities.
There is a community centre in the village. It was the original national school, but with the closure of what was then called the "technical school" in 1980, the national school was moved to that larger and more modern building. The community, under the leadership of the parish priest applied for grant aid and the national school was then turned into a community centre, used by different groups running courses, childrens' Christmas and Halloween parties, discos, boxing club, Foroige and much more.
A mile outside the village of Geesala there are three houses that have the distinction of being called 'TD's Row' locally. Henry Coyle, Pat Lindsay and Paddy O'Toole were in fact neighbours and Henry's son Gerry Coyle is keeping the 'flag flying' on this particular course having been elected to Mayo County Council.
John Millington Synge is said to have based his play "The Playboy of the Western World" around the village area and indeed, the hotel in Geesala was called Ostán Synge, but new management and refurbishment of the hotel meant a change of name and this beautiful and very modern hotel is now called 'Abhainn Mhór Lodge'.
Geesala Festival
Visit the Geesala Doohoma Visitor's Guide for more information. Also check out the Leisure Activities in the area around Geesala and Doohoma.