Fishing in Lough Carra in Co. Mayo
For information on some of the service providers take a look at Fishing/Angling Service Providers.
Lough Carra is a limestone lake, 4,000 acres in area. It is a shallow lake, its maximum depth is only 60ft (18m). Because the lake is relatively shallow, trout can be caught in all parts of it. Along the west shore of Connors Island and Annies shore you can have good fishing with a southerly or southwesterly wind. North of Castle Island from the Kiltoom shore to Annies shore, with a southwesterly wind, can also be good. Between Castle Island and the Twin islands and all that open water between Derrinrush and Rineen is good fishing water.
South of the Twin Islands to Lynch's point is another open water which is also quite good. In fact fish can be caught in any part of the lake from Moorehall to Moynish point. To get to the Northern part of the lake you must go along the channel from Otter Point to Kilkeeran. The lake is very shallow here. In Summer months the depth can be as low as 1 ft. The angler with a long shaft outboard motor is advised to proceed through the shallows with caution.
From Kilkeeran the lake extends northwards into a large stretch of open water. This water runs westwards to Kilfaul. The middle portion of this part of the lake is characteried by deep water - 40 ft (12m). The deepest part of the lake is at the Black Hole where a depth of 60ft (18m) occurs. A south wind gives the ideal conditions for fishing this part of the lake. The angler can choose between the east shore or the west.
The narrows at Church Island lead northwards to further open water but good angling can be had along the west shore from Church Island to Castleburke. Good fishing can be had in Quinn's Bay in mainly westerly winds. The usual lake patterns of fly, fished wet or dry, give good results. Dapping with Mayfly and later in the season with grasshopper and daddy-long-legs also gives good results.
The information above was kindly supplied by Carra Boat Hire Some more information on what you can expect when Angling or Fishing in Mayo - also Fishing in South Mayo.