Erris Head Loop Walk in Co. Mayo

This 5 km long easy and short circular walk is a very breathtaking loop. It is part of a countrywide network of high-quality, where the walker can walk spotting spectacular views and discover the rich and varied wildlife of Erris.
The trailhead (signposted from Belmullet town) is at the end of the access road to Erris Head (Ceann Iorrais in Irish), where there is a small car parking area.
Here the loop starts, crossing a stile into a field where sheep graze and ruminate just a few meters from you.
The grassy path, waymarked with black posts, reaches an old mound of earth which provides an enjoyable walk for almost half of the loop.
You can walk along the edge of cliffs and pause there and have fantastic views : Danish Cellar, Portacoy bay, the Stags of Broadhaven, Illandavuck Island, Pigeon Rock and some sea arches.
From these cliff tops you can experience the power of wild nature where land and sea meet and be aware of the soft sound of little birds chirping and the dramatic beat of the waves shattering many meters below.