Yawl Sailing Festival

Yawl Racing Calendar 2019
Date | Time | Race | Venue |
Sat 13th July | 5.00pm | Achilll Sound Hotel Cup | Achill Sound Hotel |
Sun 14th July | 5.00pm | Carney’s Family Yawl Race | Ostan Oilean Acla |
Sat 20th July | 7.00pm | Pattens Bar Yawl Race | Patten’s Bar, Dereens |
Fri 26th July | 5.00pm | Mulranny Park Hotel Cup | Sp. Mulranny Park Hotel |
Fri 26th July | 6.00pm | Pat Kenny Memorial Yawl Race | Sp. Anne Kenny |
Fri 26th July | 7.00pm | Old Mulranny Regatta Cup | Sp. Dr. J. Cowley |
Sat 27th July | 3.00pm | Johnny Patten Memorial Cup | Patten’s Bar, Dereens |
Sun 28th July | 3.00pm | Clare Island Festival Yawl Race | Bay View Hotel, Clare island |
Sat 3rd August | 6.30pm | Sean the Shore Memorial Cup | Ostan Oilean Acla |
Sun 4th August | 3.00pm | Michael J. O’Malley Memorial Cup | Achill Sound |
Mon 5th August | 10.30pm | John F. Patten Memorial Cup | Compass Bar, Currane |
Sat 10th August | 3.30pm | John Corrigan Memorial Cup | McLoughlin’s Bar |
Sun 11th August | 4.30pm | Alice Sweeney Memorial Cup | Ostan Oilean Acla |
Fri 16th August | 6.00pm | John McNulty Memorial Cup | Ted Lavelle’s Bar, Cashel |
Sat 17th August | 6.30pm | Patrick McLoughlin Memorial Cup | McLoughlin’s Bar |
Sat 18th August | 7.00pm | Michael McLoughlin Memorial Yawl Race | Ostan Oilean Acla |
Sat 24th August | 1.00pm | All Girls Yawl Race, Seamus Patten Memorial Yawl Race | McLoughlin’s Bar |
Sun 25th August | 2.00pm | Dominic Kelly Family Butcher’s Yawl | Ostan Oilean Acla |
Sat 31st August | 7.00pm | The Commentator’s Cup | Patten’s Bar, Dereens |
Yawl All Date To Be Confirmed
The above events are subject to weather conditions.
Further information contact: Dr. Jerry Cowley
Tel. 087 2249691 - Email. drjerrycowley@gmail.com
Ta Cumann Badoiri Acla ag iarraidh cultuir agus traidisiuin seoltoireachta an yawl a chosaint agus a leanu amach. Beidh beim dha chur ar labhairt na Gaeilge insna h-imeachtai seo.
Le cupla bliain anuas ta uimhir na mbad ardai o 3 go 13. 'Se an cuspoir ata againn cur leis an bfas iontach seo. Tuigeann Cumann Badoiri Acla an tabhacht ata leis an chultuir agus an teanga a chaomhnu. Beidh imeachtai na Feile dha reachtail tre mhean na Gaeilge. Baineann na sluaite a bhionn i lathair ag na rasai an-tsasamh as an sport arsa seo, as an scil iontach a bhaineann le gabhail na Yawlta agus an choimhlint ghear a bhionn ann le ceann scribe a bhaint amach.
Cumann Badoiri Acla are engaged in an ongoing campaign to foster and promote traditional yawl sailing through the medium of our native tongue.
We have seen the population of yawls rise from 3 just a few years ago to 13 this year. We intend to build on this great yawl revival. Cumann Badoiri Acla have identified a number of objectives including the holding of an annual yawl racing festival through the medium of Irish. We know of no more exciting sport than yawl racing and we know that everyone will enjoy the spectacle of so many fine boats battling it out to be first to the finishing line.
If you are returning to the west of Ireland you might find the following links useful.
St Brendan's Village Mulranny
The 'Safe Home' Programme - Repatriation for Irish Emigrants
Irish Institute of Rural Health Ltd