Leisure Activities in Ballyglass in Co. Mayo
Clubs & Organisations
Ballyglass Community Council was formed in 1989 and over a period of time the Council converted the old school into a tastefully finished Community Centre with showers and toilets and other improvements.
Ballyglass Sports Club is in existence for approximately 52 years and still organises an annual open sports which is now one of the oldest, in Connaught. The sports are held in "The turlough", a most beautiful and secluded part of the village. In winter, when in flood, it is a haunt for swans, wild duck, water hens etc.
Ballyglass Soccer Club formed in 1975, has won the Mayo Premier League twice and have developed fine dressing rooms etc and two soccer pitches at a cost in excess £100,000 (much of it raised locally).
Ballyglass Foroige Club.
Ballyglass Ladies Club.
Ballyglass Gun Club - Which engaged in vermin elimination and one of their projects was to release pheasants into the wild.
Over 55s Group - formed in 1993.
Ballyglass Pre - School Playgroup.
Fine Gael Club.
- Fianna Fail Cumann.