Article from Lewis' Topographical published in 1837
This is an extract from Samuel Lewis' Topographical Dictionary and includes details of the first complete census of Ireland taken in 1831.
KILGARVEY, or KILGARVIN, a parish, in the barony of Gallen, county of Mayo, and province of Connaught, 5 miles (E.S.E.) from Kilgarvin, a parish, in the barony of Gallen, county of Mayo, and province of Connaught, 5 miles (E.S.E.) from Ballina, on the road from that place to Boyle; containing 4230 inhabitants.
This parish includes part of the Ox mountains and a considerable trace of reclaimable bog. It also contains limestone, and lead mines are supposed to exist.
Fairs are held at Bonneconlan, or O'Dowda's-town, on the 13th of May, June, and Aug., and Nov. 2nd. That village consists of one street, and is a constabulary police station; it is an improving place, and a weekly market is about to be established in it.
The principal seats are O'Dowda's-town, the residence of Thaddeus O'Dowda, Esq.; Rabbit Hill, of M. Howley, Esq.; Ella, of E. Howley, Esq.; Sallymount, of L. Atkinson, Esq.; and Bowfield, of E. Howley, Esq.
The parish is in the diocese of Killala; the rectory is impropriate in Sir. W.H. Palmer, Bart., and the vicarage forms part of the union of Ardagh; the tithes amount to £281.17.9, which is equally divided between the impropriator and the vicar.
The R.C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church; the chapel at O'Dowda's-town is a slated building erected in 1800, and is about to be rebuilt.
About 140 children are educated in two schools, one of which is aided by subscription. Here are several raths and an ancient burial-ground.